Support Written Art

Painters and musicians often have supporters who sponsor their support via events, displays, concerts, and appearances. The glitz and social photo scene set among the wine and Brie people will flock to be seen and see others.  Authors, graphic artists, however, often have to depend on their own promotion efforts and book sales to find support. 

Like a Yankee Trader they have to make an appearance, attract buyers, and then pack up and leave, sometimes unnoticed.   Worse, emergent authors are often independents following a life dream without the funding and support provided through a traditional publishing house or they are working in a new field not generally recognized as of yet, so they must be creative and innovative in funding.  

Partnerships, donations, collaborative funding: all are innovations many in publishing (including major houses) are already exploring so it should not be denigrated if independent authors seek equally creative ways to achieve their goal.  Instead, local art support should broaden its understanding of art forms to include the author and/or graphic artist in their midst.

How to Support Local Authors:

  • Promote their works to friends, libraries, bookstores
  • Sponsor events designed to help emerging authors or authors from smaller presses
  • Hold book signings in stores, schools, churches, museums, and businesses
  • Interview the author on radio, television, and in print/online
  • Submit reviews and reader comments for books you enjoyed reading or thought had merit